Let's talk about Henna Spa Brows

Today eyebrows are not just a fast-developing trend, they are a great opportunity for beauticians.

There are a variety of services aimed at transforming this important facial feature: shaping and tinting eyebrows with a colourant or henna, microblading, eyebrow make-up and many others.

Henna Spa went beyond the existing range of services and developed an innovative technique of spa-care and tinting eyebrows with a tattoo effect in one treatment.

Henna tinting helps to make eyebrows more expressive, disguising gaps in plucked or receding eyebrows and the spa-care makes it possible to achieve a maximum result from tinting, it makes the effect from the treatment last longer as well as strengthens and protects the hairs and skin.

L & T Beauty Bliss is certified by Lovella Lash & Brow Artistry as a Henna Spa Salon.

Duration: 50min
Cost: R250
Lasts 4 to 6 weeks

Henna is a dry powder, prepared from the leaves of the Lawsonia inermis, also known as the henna tree, the sole species of the genus Lawsonia. The plant is often cultivated in tropical and subtropical areas both for its use as a dye plant and as an ornamental, being appreciated especially for the strong, pleasant fragrance of its flowers. Henna has been used for thousands of years, especially in India, as a cosmetic and hair dye. It is one of the oldest cosmetics in the world and its leaves are used to colour fingernails, to paint or decorate the palms of hands and the soles of feed, and to dye hair. Written records of its use date back more than 2,500 years. In our present-day, henna has become extremely popular among woman who seeks to define their eyebrows, by staining the skin and tinting the brow hair.